Edinburgh & South East Scotland Bus Partnership Fund Programme Management

Commissioned to shape and form the set up and governance of a regional Bus Service Improvement Partnership between local authorities and private bus operators in the region. Our work has involved guiding the client through the emerging regulation guidance and stakeholder engagement to structure an appropriate delivery model and operating process. Governance on the programme cuts across a number of regional authorities and has been developed to complement Scottish Government process requirements and the South East Scotland City Regional Deal Partnership.

Our Role
Acting as a strategic advisor, our work has involved guiding the client through the emerging regulation and guidance and stakeholder engagement to structure an appropriate delivery model and operating process. We also lead the emerging PMO, managing the development of the strategic business case and progress of quick win investment schemes. This involves challenging, directing and coordinating different transport consultants/ investment schemes and key stakeholder management including local authority partners, bus operators and Transport Scotland.

Business case initiation underway

Start Date
December 2021

End Date

Our Client and Delivery Partner


Branding & Design ⬢ Communications & Strategy ⬢ Websites & Digital


Transport for Greater Manchester Metrolink Enhancement and Renewals Programme


DCC Non-Financial Reporting System Change Programme